When We Wage Cyberwar, the Whole Web Suffers

Given the undeniable benefits that the open global Internethas brought to the U.S., building moats around our networks andsubjecting them to constant, unaccountable audits and otherrestraints — all in the service of an immense onlinewarfighting machine staffed by military contractors — would beburning the village in order to save it. It cannot be that wehave lost our national ability to think creatively, expand ourpolicy options and engage with other nations to introduce theconstraints of the laws of war into online settings. In space,we???re pursuing an international code of conduct that will governacceptable behavior. We need to translate those norms tocyberspace.

Application for a new 2LD – .kiwi.nz

An application has been received to create a new, open, second level domain (2LD) – .kiwi.nz.

Copies of the application can be seen at

.pdf – http://dnc.org.nz/content//kiwi_nz.pdf
.html – http://dnc.org.nz/content//kiwi_nz.html

Comments are sought on this application. In particular, comment is sought on how the application meets the criteria for a new 2LD, namely that the 2LD:

  • Represents an identifiable, significant community of interest; where:

    • ‘significant’ can mean either quantitatively or qualitatively; and

    • the community of interest can be defined in a clear written statement

  • Represents an on-going and long-lived community of interest

  • Does not conflict with, duplicate or cause confusion about, any existing 2LD, and is a useful addition to the current DNS hierarchy

  • Uses a name to represent the domain that is an obvious derivative of a word that properly describes the community of interest or a complete word.

  • Does not bring the .nz domain name space in disrepute

Submissions close at 5pm on Tuesday 29 May 2012. All submissions will be published on this page as they are received.

From countering radicalization to disrupting illicit networks

To reframe the issue of counter-radicalization, we decided to spotlight formers as positive role models for youth. We also knew that there has traditionally been an over-reliance on governments to tackle these problems, so we wanted to see what diverse groups outside the public sector could offer. Finally, we needed to go beyond the in-person, physical conversations we had at the summit into the realm of the virtual, using the Internet to ensure sustained discussion and debate.

Westpac NZ launches new website with SilverStripe technology – SilverStripe – Open Source CMS / Framework

  <meta charset=”utf-8“/>
  <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatiblecontent=”IE=edge,chrome=1“/>
  <base href=”http://www.westpac.co.nz/“><!–[if lte IE 6]></base><![endif]–>
  <title>Welcome to our new website </title>
  <meta name=”generatorcontent=”SilverStripe – http://silverstripe.org” />


LinkedIn’s Biggest Competitor Is a Facebook App That Just Hit 25 Million Users

BranchOut allows users to see which of their Facebook friends (or friends of friends) work at specific companies. Unlike LinkedIn, it doesn???t require users to build a professional network one person at a time. Rather, they simply connect to their pre-existing Facebook graphs. The interface works a lot like LinkedIn from there: users can fill in their work histories, send messages to their connections, collect endorsements and request introductions to friends of friends.

Article sent to me by LinkedIn. Nice.

Why Youth Has an Advantage in Innovation & Why You Want To Be a Learn-It-All

Lets look at some of the specific advantages of youth. First, as mentioned before, without the blinders of past experience, you don???t know what not to try, and therefore, you are willing to attempt things that experienced executives will not consider. Second, you are quick to leverage new technologies and tools way before the incumbent will see an opportunity or a need to pay attention. For me this may be the bigger issue. The rate of change on the Internet is extremely high. If the weapon du jour is constantly changing, being nimble and open-minded far outweighs being experienced. Blink and you are behind. Youth is a competitive weapon.

More analysts weigh in on 4G claim

Budde said he was in favour of charging a lower price for radio spectrum and imposing obligations on buyers to better serve rural communities, perhaps by creating the telecommunications’ equivalent of an “open commons”.

Telecommunications Users Association chief executive Paul Brislen said he would be happy to see the digital dividend spectrum sold at a discount if that ensured the rollout of 4G in rural areas was on a par with that in cities and towns. However, an industry source queried whether attaching conditions to the spectrum sale would be the most efficient way of supporting such a policy.

Time for Government to stop exploiting our shared spectrum resource as a form of indirect taxation which leads to poor competitive outcomes and fat margins to the winners who take all.

Women’s Life Expectancy Growth Is Lagging

A new study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation says that while human life expectancy continues to grow, the growth rate for the life expectancy of women is slowing down and men might actually surpass us. Actually, our lifespans have been lagging for a while now, since 1999, and in some parts of the United States, it???s actually gotten lower.

Welcome to equality.